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Showing posts from May, 2020


REMEDY FOR GLOWING SKIN 1) TURMERIC :  Turmeric contains cucurmin, which has strong antioxidant and anti - inflamamatory properties. It will eliminate the harmful  free radicals that are damaging the skin. It also enhances collagen production, and this keeps your skin supple and glowing. Gram flour gently cleanses the skin to make it clean and bright. Step 1 : Mix the turmeric powder with the gram flour . To this, add enough ilk or water to form a paste. Step 2: Apply this on your face and neck. Step 3 : Leave it for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse with plain water. 2) COCONUT OIL :  This remedy works best for dry and dull skin. Coconut oil locks the moisture in the skin and also nourishes it with essential fatty acids . Its phenolic compounds contribute to its antioxidants activity and give you glowing skin. Step 1 : Lightly warm up the oiland apply on the face and neck. Step 2: Massage for a few minutes in gentle circular motions. Step 3: Leave the oil overnight


REMEDY FOR GLOWING SKIN 1) TURMERIC :  Turmeric contains cucurmin, which has strong antioxidant and anti - inflamamatory properties. It will eliminate the harmful  free radicals that are damaging the skin. It also enhances collagen production, and this keeps your skin supple and glowing. Gram flour gently cleanses the skin to make it clean and bright. Step 1 : Mix the turmeric powder with the gram flour . To this, add enough ilk or water to form a paste. Step 2: Apply this on your face and neck. Step 3 : Leave it for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse with plain water. 2) COCONUT OIL :  This remedy works best for dry and dull skin. Coconut oil locks the moisture in the skin and also nourishes it with essential fatty acids . Its phenolic compounds contribute to its antioxidants activity and give you glowing skin. Step 1 : Lightly warm up the oiland apply on the face and neck. Step 2: Massage for a few minutes in gentle circular motions. Step 3: Leave the oil overnight


COMMERCE While pursuing a course in the field of Commerce , one acquires the knowledge of business or trade , nature of fluctuations in market, basics of economics , fiscals policies , industrial policies etc. The field of Commerce consist of a wide range of interdisciplinary branches including Accountancy, Business , Administration, E-Commerce , Finance, Economics and Marketing. Since the Indian economy is one of the fastest growing economies among the Third World countries, the need for talented professionals, who can contribute towards the growth of the economy, is increasing. Today management as a career attracts a number of students .There are diverse areas of specialization in this field such as advertising management, human resource, marketing , sports , telecom, brand, education, media, family business, tea, and NGO management. One can work with large Indian firms, multinationals , NGO's, SMES or start one's own business. BEST COMMERCE COLLEGES IN INDI


LIVE A HAPPY LIFE HAPPINESS- So How do you determine whether somebody is happy? 🤔 By looking at the smile on person's face . A person happy from inside is a positive , happy and successful person. What happens within you , somebody else determining it is the worst form of slavery . This life will never become hundred percent as you want it to be. Unless you are living with machineries even those machines will freak on you. So from this we learn a new thing that expectations will never give a way for happiness . Then what is it - When you listen to words like peace, jovial, ecstacy and happiness it's pleasant to hear. And if your pleasantness depends on the things happening around you then there are very less chances of you living a peaceful and calm life  , because you are just giving the your remote control in others hands ,which I would again like to remind you that it's the worst form of slavery. Many of the times almost everyone of us at some moment of ti


                                   "LET'S EXPLORE CAREER OPPORTUNITIES" SCIENCE CAREERS : If you are keen on a career in scientific research , then this is the time to get into it. The government is spending huge amounts of money to build up institutions, provide scholarships, and raise salaries. India can be a truly developed nation only when we have a strong scientific community producing world class Innovations. Career opportunities exist in Nanotechnology, Industrial Robotics, Space research, Alternative Energy, Biomedical Engineering, Geographical Information system, Food technology and Biotechnology.   TOP INSTITUTES FOR SCIENCE CAREERS :  Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore  ( Chennai Mathematical Institute ( IITs  Indian Institute of Science Education and Research  NISER ( UM - DAE - CBS  UM- DAE Centre for Excellence in Basic Science- Mumbai Visva- Bharati- Shantiniketan  (https://w


A HEALHY IMMUNE SYSTEM EQUALS TO  A HEALTHY BODY  Immunity depends on variety of reasons looking at the lifestyle, looking at the food patterns , this must be medically checked. According to research , I think Southern people are having better immunity system than whole lot other people in the world because of their food patterns, practices , weather and various other aspects. Now, boosting immunity - It's not an overnight solution. But in a period of time you can do this. Here, I will suggest you the natural and proven ways from the common things available. 1) NEEM : Daily consumption of neem . You can consume it in the form of paste , in tea or just chewing a twig freshly plucked from the tree has reaped multiple benefits for people since time immemorial.   2) TURMERIC : (anyways it is available at home)  Toss it in roasted vegetables Add it to rice Try it with greens You can even consume it with milk  Use it in soups  Turmeric tea Now they


                        REMEDIES FOR GLOWING SKIN DIET : 1) Carrot juice : The antioxidants present in carrots will cleanse the body of free radicals, and this will start reflecting on your skin. Carrot being rich in vitamin A , which will not only improve skin texture but your eyesight. Steps: Take 4-6 carrots and a small piece of peeled ginger. Cut the ginger and carrot into pieces and extract their juice. Add some water to dilute the juice to the required consistency. Drink this juice, preferably in the mornings. Drink carrot juice every alternate day. 2) BROCCOLI, SPINACH AND BRUSSELS SPROUTS : Green leafy vegetables like these are rich in alpha lipoic acid (ALA). Because of its high concentration of antioxidants that fight the free radicals that cause aging. ALA is one of the most powerful anti-aging agents available. It also acts as an anti-inflammatory, decreasing under-eye circles, puffiness, redness and blotches, minimizing the appearance


Taking care of your own PQ,IQ,EQ and SQ so as to keep yourselves in balance.  To maintain and keep balanced  the IQ during lockdown: Playing brain games Dual-N-Back it will improve your working memory.  Doing regular cardio exercises.  Learning an instrument.  Meditation.  Playing chess EQ keeping in balance : Utilize active listening skills.  Stay motivated.  Practicing ways to maintain a positive attitude.  Empathizing with others. By giving a smile and showing positive presence.  Keeping your SQ in balance: Asking yourself : who am I? What is my purpose? What do I value most? Letting yourself think more in depth.  Get it out- expressing what is in your mind to family, friends helps to maintain a focused mindset.  By writing your thoughts on a piece of paper and thinking more clear and moving forward.  Yoga- physical technique to improve spiritual wellness by reducing emotional and physical strains on mind and body. Keeping your PQ in


Thoughts that come in mind during the phase of lockdown:  It was the moment when you come across the thoughts as anything that takes birth on this planet has to end one day . The ideas of adapting, adjusting, innovating and if none of these efforts yield result , make a fist of it . The peace and unity we wish for has became a nightmare now.  This is the year waiting for the star of a faith-filled imagination to guide towards horizons of hope. To acknowledge that each and everyone are staying at home in our bubbles and fighting as a team . Let's work at being more responsive and grateful in this time of lockdown.  I just remember an American proverb being very true:  " IF YOU WANT TO GO FAST - GO ALONE . IF YOU WANT TO GO FAR - GO TOGETHER " This turns out to be particularly true as we all are staying at home and has become a team . I learnt hope in the way I live each day , respect for the dignity of each person and enough love to celebrate the


You can buy a good pasta but when you cook it yourself it has another feeling 🤗 A warm welcome to you ; Today I am gonna share my own hot and spicy pasta recipe so let's have a glance at it : INGREDIENTS REQUIRED: 2 cups pasta 1 tablespoon saffola oil Salt as per requirement  Pizza pasta sauce 1 tablespoon  Schezwan chutney 2 tablespoon  Tomato ketchup 1 tablespoon  Pasta mix as required  Pasta masala 1 packet  Coriander leaves as required  2 onions chopped  1 capsicum chopped   1 tomato chopped  Half carrot chopped  PROCEDURE:  Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a pan When oil turns hot add chopped onions and let it turn light brown Then add capsicum when it becomes soft and add chopped tomatoes and carrot and fry it about two minutes  Add pasta masala to it Mix it well  Add schezwan chutney then tomato ketchup and finally pizza pasta sauce . These many sauces will add spark to the taste of pasta  Add salt as per your need  Finally put cooked pasta w


"SHAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT!" Zumba dancing is a workout exercise in the form of dancing.  Cardio workout that melts fat , strengthens your core and improves flexibility.  One of the most versatile fitness workouts, as classes can be geared for any fitness level.   There are many health benefits of doing zumba: Great for weight loss  Tones your entire body  Relief from stress Gives natural glow Improves coordination  It's fun Will make you feel happy.  Zumba even help you in achieving a glowing and beautiful skin. After the workout excessive release of sweat and you will be bound to drink plenty of water . Drinking plenty of water will help to flush out toxins from your body which can cause pimples, acne, rashes, blotches  and other skin disorders.  It is my personal experience really after doing zumba for 3 months I realized many changes in my body as I don't feel lethargic now, even I don't fumble while speaking, skin glowing


DURING THIS PHASE OF LOCKDOWN WHAT FRUITFUL THINGS CAN WE DO: Except our daily routine work online lectures , household work , online official things during phase of lockdown we can learn many new things at home and explore . Here are some of the things which you can do in your free time during this lockdown and stay motivated : 1. YOGA : Yoga is amazing - even if you only practice for one hour in a week , you will experience the benefits of the practice. According to the American Osteophatic Association there are many physical benefits of yoga as follows : Increases flexibility Increases muscle strength and tone Improves respiration , energy and vitality Maintain a balanced metabolism Weight reduction  Improves cardio and circulatory health Improves athletic performance 2. MEDITATION : Meditation is a powerful and natural treatment for people who suffer from depression and anxiety. People who meditate generally lead happier lives than those who doesn&#


Failure comes in everybody's life but we shouldn't get demotivated and stop trying  we are supposed to learn from that mistake and try it next time with all enthusiasm and strength. I am gonna throw light on my childhood incidence and how it governed my present life. It is an incidence of my school days ; I took part in a running race competition held during sports day. It was my firts time I ever took part in any such running race competition still I had confidence on myself that atleast I would be the third runner up as I was good at running. At the day of competition I woke up before ringing of alarm started doing some exercise and stretching.  Finally it was the time I was on the ground and the man whistled and we all started running I was on a good number with good speed in first round , but during the second round my all body started paining and was totally exhausted and during the third round I stopped in the middle of the ground about to give up, but our sports